Thursday, March 15, 2007

Food in Germany

So I'm feeling much better now. I went to bed at 8 on Tuesday night and caught up on my sleep.

I just wanted to post about how much I love the food here in Germany. I don't necessarily love German food, but I like the quality of the food here. For example, I stop at a bakery occasionally and buy a salami sandwich to take to work. It is a thing of beauty: delicious salami, cheese, savoury cream cheese spread, and veggies like cucumbers and peppers. The bread is especially tasty. Today it was pumpkin seed. Delicious and cheap at 1 euro 70.

It's so easy to buy produce too. I walk by at least three fruit and veggie stands on the way to work. I just stop and buy bananas or grapes. I love it because I can buy just one or two and stop again the next day.

Another great thing is the Soup bar. There is a soup restaurant near the school. They sell really good, cheap soups. Today I had Tuscan vegetable soup for only 2 euros. Plus they give you really excellent bread.

I eat out a lot here, but I feel like I am eating healthy meals. I rarely eat fast food. I feel better too. When I go home, I always want to eat BBQ, catfish, hamburgers, etc. It makes me really sick though. When I leave Germany, I'm going to miss the food.


jess said...

i bet you feel like a new woman w/ all those readily available vegs, fruits...and walking everywhere. you probably have the lowest blood pressure of us all ;) i need that kind of lifestyle! i love european market style shopping...i so wish it were that way here.

Amanda said...

I love that you called the sour cream "savoury." :)