Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Dave Matthews in Berlin

Monday night-no, Tuesday morning- around 12:50 AM, I realized that I am not really that young anymore. I went to see Dave Matthews in Berlin on Monday night with Joe from work. Since neither of us has a car and we would miss the last train back to Dresden, he arranged for a German friend of his to go with us and drive. We paid for his ticket, which was less than train fare and a night in a hostel.

So far, so good. We arrived a little late to the show and Dave had already started playing, but it was a really great concert. I heard all my favorites, and he played for almost 3 hours. It got out around 10:45. As we were leaving, I thought, "Hey, we'll get home before 1. Even though I have an 8:00 class, that's not terrible." Then, up walks this German girl and she hugs/attacks our driving buddy. They hugged for about 5 minutes then walk over and he says, "Why don't we go eat?" Eat? Eat? At 11:00 at night, in Berlin? Two hours from home? And I have to get up at 6:00? Joe uncomfortably says yes. I say nothing.

Apparently, the driver had hooked up with this girl a few weeks ago and had made plans to meet her after the show. Which is all well and fine for him. He's at university and can sleep until noon. Joe and I cannot. In fact, Tuesdays are our longest days. What makes it even more distasteful is that she used to be with his best friend. He actually used the phrase "keep it in the family" and made a comment about her hands since she's a massage therapist. Gross!!

We went to this Turkish place (think German Waffle House, but with Arabic techno) in Neukolln, which is like the Ensley of Berlin and sat there until after midnight watching them eat. I don't talk to them at all. That is when I realized that I am almost 30. I do not want to be here and I don't want to hang out and do things like a kid anymore. I want to have an adult, in bed by 10, hang out with decent people kind of life.

We got in after 2. I'm still ticked off at the rudeness. It almost ruined the concert experience. I will not be going to anymore German concerts though. I don't like standing the entire time. (There are no seats.) Even worse, my lungs still feel burned from all the cigarette smoke. If I go to another concert here, it will be outside.


Amanda said...

Yuck! Ray and I are usually in bed by 9:30 pm or 10 pm at the latest. Isn't that sad? I can't believe that guy didn't tell you he had after-concert plans since he was your ride AND you paid for his ticket!

jess said...

girl i am so glad you have a blog. love your writing! i am tired for you...nothing pisses me off like robbed sleep... and for no good reason!

Haley said...

Man that sucks!! I'm 25 and still try to get to bed no later than 10:30..haha...so you don't have to be 30 to go to bed earlier. I would have been so ticked..but you know me, I so would have said something when that girl invited you to go eat. And who knew they said "keep it in the family" in Germany..lol