Thursday, April 5, 2007


School has been cuh-razy this past week! We had interviews with prospective principals, late meetings, and parent conferences. On top of all that, the normal school day was really busy too. Thank goodness that today is the first day of our Easter break. School doesn't start again until April 16. Yay!

This is the first break that I don't have plans to leave Dresden. I'm really happy about being able to hang out with Zoe, take walks along the Elbe, and catch up on some TV shows and movies that I want to watch, especially Grey's Anatomy. I am LOVING that show. I rarely watched it last year so I am watching all of season 2 right now. I may have to buy season 3 from iTunes when I finish. I may take some short trips around Dresden or go see some of the Dresden museums. Even though I live here, I rarely go see all the things that are right here in the city.

I have trips planned in May to Krakow, Vienna, and of course, Alabama for Haley's wedding. I'm already starting to think about where to go this summer. I'm thinking going North during the summer to be able to see Scandinavia. Thoughts?

1 comment:

Amanda said...

My thoughts are that I am jealous that you live somewhere so cool and in a short distance to much extra coolness!!!