Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Enjoying the break

I haven't done anything special during the school break yet. I've read and watched movies mostly, but I have enjoyed it so far. I am reading The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey. I really love Yancey's honesty in his books. I'm over halfway finished, and I've got such a fresh perspective on Jesus, how much He loved us, and just how great He truly is. I just read the chapter on the Sermon on the Mount today, and I'll admit, I always struggled with it. I just know that I'll never measure up, yet I understand that is what grace is all about. However, Yancey says that the Sermon on the Mount is more than that; that it is describing the holiness of God. Of course, Yancey explains it far more eloquently than I just did. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it.

Another book that I am reading this week is The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis. He describes the four loves of affection, friendship, eros, and charity. I'm not as sure how I feel about it. Now don't get me wrong, I really enjoy his books, but I don't think I agree with his views on friendship. Maybe I misunderstood it because goodness knows that he is far wiser than I, but he made it seem that friendship comes out of a shared preference or experience. He made it seem as if the preference were almost more important than the friend. I think it may be because he is writing from the male perspective, and I think female friendship is a far different thing. For those of you who have read this, what do you think? Did I get it wrong?

I watched 4 or 5 episodes of Lost last night. I think I am about three weeks behind now. I just got behind watching them after they were downloaded to iTunes. I will say that I am glad that they are finally showing more Sayid. I LOVE him; of course, I think most of you know about my obsession with him.

So that is what I have done so far during the break. I guess the trips around Dresden will have to wait. Other than going to church, I've only been to the grocery store. The funny thing about it though is that even though I haven't really gone out, I haven't been lonely at all. (unlike the post from a few weeks ago) It's almost been like a retreat. Except without camp food or being mooned by the boys from the youth group.


jess said...

Sounds like a nice break...reading and catching up on some Sayid time!
What do you think of this season so far?
Haven't read 4 Loves...love the man though. Can see your point-male frienships are some kind of different!
Hoping to start Til We Have Faces soon...it's in the pile.

Amanda said...

I haven't read either book, but sometimes reading C.S. Lewis exhausts me...except for the Narnia series which I plowed though in less than a week. Love those books! And your break sounds so nice and relaxing! Throw in a chocolate croissant and that's a vacation!

Holly said...

Jess, I just watched last week's episiode and I'm downloading last night's episode as I type. I was so surprised by the Locke episode and how he was paralyzed. I'm not so sure about the whole magic box thing though. Although, if Sayid could use it to bring back Shannon, that would make me indescribably happy.

Amanda, wow Narnia in less than a week. I'm impressed. I've yet to go beyond the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I might just have to get a chocolate croissant today. Yum!