Friday, April 27, 2007


Spring seems to have arrived in full force here in Dresden. The weather has been outstanding. In fact, some people have said it's like summer because the highs have been around 75. Of course, as a good 'Bama girl, I scoff at summer temps in the 70s unless it's midnight. One interesting thing is that it is still light after 8 pm. Right now, its after 9, and it's not even completely dark yet. What will happen in June?

Unfortunately, with spring, I've seen disturbing fashion choices including tube tops with bra straps showing, (it actually seems like part of the outfit!!), open toe sandals with reinforced toe pantyhose, and MEN wearing capri pants. I haven't been to the States in warm weather since last August. Is this normal? It looks really messed up to me, and I think Stacy and Clinton would disapprove.

Apart from the fashion missteps (or wipe outs), Dresden is really wonderful. There are so many plants and trees that are blooming. God has created such a gorgeous world for us to enjoy. His creativity is astonishing. When I walk Zoe, I marvel at the beautiful colors in spring.


Amanda said...

There are so many things wrong with those fashion mistakes that I can't even begin to talk about it. Men in capris??? God help us all.

jess said...

SHUT UP! reinforced panty hose w/ peep toes?!?! that's just wrong...