Monday, October 29, 2007

Update 2

Zoe came home on Friday afternoon, and I spent the whole weekend taking care of her. I really felt overwhelmed at times, but I prayed a lot. She stays in her crate all the time. Because she can't move her back legs, I carry her to the bathroom where she does her business in the tub. I actually have to squeeze her abdomen to make her go.

I tried to work out a schedule for school. I left her on a table in the kitchen this morning on her crate so that she could see out the window. I came back at about 10:45, and she had fallen off the table, out of her crate, and scooted her way into the living room. Then, when I picked her up, she peed on me. I was beside myself.

Then, this afternoon, I came home around 3:00 to take her back to the vet to meet the physical therapist. Thank goodness, Zoe was in her crate! Then, even better, the physical therapist was optimistic about her prognosis!! Hallelujah!! I think the Lord knew that I really needed to hear some good news.

Thanks for your prayers!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I can't believe the Houdini fell off the table, got out of her crate, and scooted around! What in the world!?!