Sunday, September 30, 2007

Funny school story and other thoughts

The students in my advisory group are 7th graders. Advisory is similar to homeroom; we meet for about 10 minutes, and I announce things about school and check on the students' work, etc. This week, one of the boys asked if I was sick. I replied, "No, why?"
"You look really tired," was his reply.
I can't remember what I said next, but then he said, "You need a good time in bed."
Now I know that he meant I needed some rest, but still... I thought it was pretty funny.

Next, I have good and bad news about the 'fridge. I now have one, but it's temporary. My "kaput" fridge is built into the cabinetry in the kitchen. It is older and the dimensions on new ones are different. Therefore, I have to wait for one to be ordered. If one can't be found that fits the kitchen, I might get a whole new kitchen. How crazy is that?

Finally, one last thought. Have you ever seen someone and afterwards you wished that you would have gone up to him/her and said something? That happened to me on Saturday. I saw a super cute guy on the tram. Black hair, blue eyes, tall, with just the right amount of stubble, AND straight white teeth (often something hard to come by in Europe) He was reading a book about learning English, and he was sitting close to me. I thought about saying something, but I chickened out. Then I mentally kicked myself as I got off the tram. Oh well.


Haley said...

haha..that is funny about the boy with the "good time" story. And next time say something to the cute guy on the train.

Amanda said...

I probably would have chickened out too. And maybe you will get a new kitchen!! That wouldn't be a bad outcome!