Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Thoughts on fall and something funny at school

There are some seasons that make me wish I were at home. Fall is my favorite season in Alabama. From football to the first cool days and the leaves changing colors, I love it. I even like fall because all the TV shows have their season premieres.

Fall is here in a big way. We're in a cooler pattern of weather with highs in the 50s. The sky-when it's not raining- is the deep blue fall color. It's still pretty dark when I get up in the mornings, so I know the really dark days are coming. I've been taking Zoe on long walks when the weather is nice and dry. I want to make sure to go to a Biergarten a few more times. I think fall here in Dresden is just something to get through until winter arrives. I'm really looking forward to the Christmas season here, but fall just seems to be so-so.

Something funny happened at school today. Right outside the back door (which is the main entry/exit for students) a dog had left a very big deposit. (At least, I assume it was a dog!) I saw it as I went out for lunch. When leaving school, I saw three boys outside wanting to come in, but not wanting to touch the door knob. I opened it from the inside. As he entered, a German sixth grader proceeded to tell me in a very serious way, "There's dog shit on the door."

That cracked me up. I then went to the reception area to tell the secretary. I said," Do you know that at the back door, there is..."

"Dog shit? Yes, I know."

That made me laugh even more. It was said withought any shame or lowering her voice. I guess that's not such a bad word here? I'm just trying to imagine the reaction at Oak Mtn if the secretary said that in the front office.


Amanda said...

Yeah, I can't quite her Mrs. Self at GMS saying dog *@#*!!

Haley said...

haha..that is funny...I still kinda laugh when my professors say bad words.