Saturday, May 31, 2008


Sorry that it's taken me so long to post these pictures from Lucerne. I had a lovely, albeit short, time. I took the overnight train from Dresden and arrived in Lucerne around 10. I spent about 12 hours on the train. That's why I look so tired in these.

In front of the famous bridge and water tower in Lucerne. It was built in the 14th century.

Another shot of the bridge from the opposite side of the river.

On a boat ride around Lake Lucerne. We got off at a little village to walk around and had to run back to the boat. We almost missed it.

A view from the balcony of the hostel


One not so nice thing about Switzerland are these political advertisements. This is about foreigners getting Swiss citizenship. Notice the color of the hands. Here is a BBC article about an upcoming citizenship vote, and here is an interesting article about another poster.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Pretty pics! Did you make the fondue? Sounds yummy.