Thursday, July 12, 2007


I'm back from traveling!! I had a pretty good time, but it was a little lonely traveling alone. I'll give you a quick rundown of each city.
Munich: The best thing was the second-hand English bookstore there. I was in heaven.
Milan: Not too impressive, but it has a pretty cathedral.
Florence: Awesome again. The art was fantastic. I snuck this picture.
Rome: The Vatican and St. Peter's Basilica were gorgeous, an experience of a lifetime. The Pieta is breathtaking.
Venice: beautiful city, great shopping. Maybe my favorite city in Italy.
Innsbruck: by far the best hotel of the trip. Salzburg: Sound of Music. Yay! Those pics will come later. Maybe I'll do a quiz.


jess said...

i've heard venice is a highlight. i have a friend that was over there the same time as you!

that picture w/ david is great and comical, i must say. i'm w/ ya...who could resist sneaking a shot? how cool that you got to see all of that. what great memories that will stay w/ you!
bring on the SOM quiz!!

Mom said...

Impressive pictures!