Friday, November 16, 2007

Fabulous News!

Zoe took her first steps since surgery today at physical therapy. It was on the underwater treadmill. The water helps her to support her weight. At first, she was just dragging her back legs, but then she started to move them too!! I was so happy and thankful that all those prayers have been answered. The physical therapist even started to cry a little. How sweet is that?


jess said...

Now that's someone who puts their heart into their job! So glad to hear of this progress!

Mom said...

Fight on Zoe!!!!! Soon you will be swimming in our lake for 45 minutes...flashback to morning we were "trying" to leave for vacation and Zoewould not get out of the lake!!!!

Niki said...

I am glad she is doing better! She is a little whipper snapper.