Saturday, September 22, 2007


I was tagged by my friend Amanda to do this so here it goes...

H- I would maybe say H is for history. I really love reading about and studying history. My favorite time periods are Renaissance, Reformation, and the social aspects of World War II. Actually, as long as it's not Ancient Greece or Rome (boring!), I'm interested.

O-Other countries. I have lived in two other countries and I really like it a lot. I think you get a much deeper understanding and appreciation for a culture when you stay for more than a few weeks. I also love to travel and have now been to about 14 different countries. That's not really all that much so I want to travel more.

L-Languages. While I don't really like learning another language, I do enjoy the process of understanding and speaking a new language. I knew my Spanish was getting much better when I could understand sermons at church. This week at school, I understood most of the German during a parent meeting. I'm not at the production stage in German yet, but I hope that will come soon.

L-The other L is difficult. Maybe learning as I'm a teacher? Or libraries because I love reading? Or Lost, my favorite TV show?

Y- Yummy because I love to eat. My new favorite food is Brie-so, so yummy.

All my friends with blogs have already been tagged so I guess I won't tag anybody else.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Yea!!! Thanks for playing!! I was beginning to think nobody I'd tagged was going to play!