Monday, June 18, 2007

Neustadt Fest

The Neustadt area of Dresden is a really interesting place. A lot of people live there who definitely have alternative lifestyles. For example, there's a Goth second hand store. I don't know of many places that have Goth stores at all, much less a second hand Goth store. The Neustadt also has restaurants and bars. I like several restaurants in the area, but I don't really like going on the weekends. It's disconcerting to see my students out on the streets drinking (Sixteen is the legal drinking age).

The Neustadt had a big festival this weekend. I had heard about it for several months. Pretty much anything goes. People can pull their couches from their apartments into the streets and even sell things if they wish. I heard about some people who had set up a beer funnel from the second story apartment with a chute rigged to send money up to them. I bet they made a killing.

For a while, I had also heard that there would be violence. There's been some protesting in the Neustadt during the year, and the G8 conference was held in Germany a few weeks ago. I think people expected the protesters to come to the Neustadt festival. Anyway, I decided to go with some German friends. It was really crowded. I saw more dyed hair and piercings than I've ever seen, but it was pretty tame. Plus, there was a ton of police including some dresseed in what looked like riot gear. Some of them were pretty cute. It was really fun, and a fabulous place to people watch. I look forward to going next year. I'm going to break out my hippie clothes so I can fit in!

ZOE UPDATE: She is doing much better. Almost 100%. The lady who took care of her during my trips even took her swimming in the Elbe so I've bought a retractable leash for the summer. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!!


Amanda said...

Piercings. Goth. Hippie clothes. Would I ever get used to it?

Holly said...

Probably, once you've seen the first hundred people with bright mohawks and ripped up black clothes, the next hundred or two are just boring

jess said...

yay! zoe is better. nothing like a swim in the elbe, i always say :)