Friday, March 9, 2007

Yay! I join the blogosphere.

I've now been in Germany over seven months, and I meant to start a blog when I first got here. Obviously, I have been procrastinating.

What made me start now? I'm home sick from work. Here's an interesting thing about Germany- if you are sick, the doctor gives you an excuse to miss work! I have a paper saying that I don't have to go to work until next Wednesday. It seems to me that people don't go to work sick like they do in the U.S.

Another great thing about the German medical system is that I paid less than 20 euros for the doctor's visit and the medicine. If I go back to the doctor before the end of March, I'll only pay for the medicine. The copay for the doctor is 10 euros every quarter. Isn't that great? Of course, I pay about 44% of my salary in taxes so there are drawbacks.

Anyway, I shall be writing about my experiences living and working in Germany. I hope you enjoy the blog


jess said...

Yay for have a blog! So excited :)
Yay for me...I'm the first to comment!
You will now be obligated to comment on my blog from now on!! hehehe ;)

Amanda said...

Please do an entry on liederhosen (or however you spell it) with pictures! Maybe Zoe can be the model. :) Looking forward to reading your blog!

Haley said...

Yeah...I will be reading this as if it were a soap.

Holly said...

Liederhosen will have to wait until I visit Bavaria. They don't do liederhosen here.